Painted Panoceania ORC HMG

Back in February I posted an article about converting an Operation Icestorm sculpt ORC to have a HMG, specifically using an alternative method to the simple Aquila Guard HMG arm swap. Infinity has taken a back seat to Guild Ball at the gaming club, consequently my drive to paint Infinity models has sadly diminished. That was unto I found out what the Q3 Mayacast Masterglass theme was, and suddenly the urge to paint that HMG armed ORC Heavy Infantry model returned. Thank you Mayacast!

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Ashigaru Archery Sergeant Conversion

I had seen this simple conversion on the Warlord Games website and wanted to try it out myself – with my own little twist. It is the standard Bow/Yumi arms adjusted slightly to give a completely different look to the model. I have been undecided in what combination of models I wanted to build the bowmen/musketmen sprues. So to give myself some options for the future I decided to make one of my standard models stand out from the crowd so I could use him as a Sergeant of Archery if required.
There are no work in progress pictures for this model, just a brief description of the process and a series of pictures of the finished conversion.

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Infinity: Panoceania ORC Trooper with HMG conversion


I have had the majority of parts for these conversions knocking around for a while. I have just not bothered to do anything with them. However I feel I should do at least two things with those parts:

  1. Write a blog post as its been way too long since anything of real substance was posted on this blog 😉
  2. Convert them before Corvus Belli actually get round to releasing their official sculpts. Continue reading

Infinity: When a Ninja got stuck up the chimney

An Infinity Yu Jing Ninja With Tactical Bow Conversion


This was a Christmas present for my mate Steve, and this post is how I went about converting the model. Steve got me in to Infinity at the start of the year, and has a Yu Jing JSA force himself. There currently isn’t a Ninja model available armed with a Tactical Bow in the Infinity range, so I thought I’d convert one for him. Continue reading

Khador Mortar Conversion

So this is yet another of my old tutorials that are no longer on the web, and hence getting republished on my new blog.

Modernising the Mortar

Mortars have existed for hundreds of years in the real world,don’t believe me go look at wikipedia. The Khadoran mortar resembles the early style of portable mortar (link or link), and while I recognise that the Iron Kingdoms’ history and technological advancement is not meant to mirror that of our own history, I would like my Khador light artillery to have developed a little further than depicted by their models. So with that idea in mind I want to make my Khador Mortar represent an Iron Kingdoms version of a more modern mortar (link). Continue reading