Collateral Damage: Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Base

Broken brickwork crunched under the Warhound’s feet. The east wall of the ruined templum lay directly ahead of them. ‘Full stride, now!’ Orfuls cried. ‘We’ve got a wall in our face!’ Strakhov replied, dismayed. ‘Since when did that stop us? Full stride! Full stride!’

Titanicus, Dan Abnett

As I envision my AT table being an urban area (urban style mat and all the AT buildings), it made sense to base my Titan force to match. This led to the basing I created for my Knights before I actually had the models in hand, see my Knight bases post. This article is about creating the ‘urban ruins’ base for my Warlord Titan, with the added benefit of having the Warlord model. Continue reading

Adeptus Titanicus Knight Bases

As I had some spare 40mm bases knocking about I thought I would preemptively make some scenic bases for the Knights from Adeptus Titanicus. The game releases this weekend, so I don’t have the models yet. I only hope I can get the models to fit on the bases. If they don’t I will have to find a use for them as objectives or something. Continue reading

Weighing up model scales

I have been thinking about scale recently, mostly because of the upcoming release of Adeptus Titanicus and reading some discussions about how big the titans ‘should’ be lol. However it is also because I want to build up some terrain, add some interesting items to bases, that kind of thing – and not just for Titanicus, but across all my game systems. So I played about with a spreadsheet to work out the dimensions of various items at various scales. I’ve actually had this spreadsheet for a couple of months now, but never got round to typing this up. I figured somebody out there might find it useful too, so is here my blog post about model scale. Continue reading