BB-8 The Birthday Cake

Its that time of year again, my lad’s birthday. Another year closer to kicking my backside at tabletop games. He already sometimes “plays” X-Wing with me – he seems to be turning into a Star Wars fan, even though he has never seen the films lol. Like last year, I made and decorated a birthday cake for him.  This is this year’s handiwork:

If your partner ever questions why you waste you time on silly toy soldiers, just knock up some thing like this using your hobby skills and watch them eat their words. Or at least your cake 😉

AGC Infinity Tournament: Medea’s Secret

Saturday 21st April, the sunniest day of the year, and I was at an Infinity tournament. Altrincham Gaming Club (AGC) had organised an event at the Goblin Gaming Centre, a small ITS event with 14 players. After playing at Harlequins last month I’d mentioned to Greg, from TPCB, about wanting to try and get playing some more Infinity events. It was Greg that pointed out AGC’s event to me, and so ultimately this post is all his fault 😉

The organiser of the event, Iain, had written a background story arc for the series of missions Medea’s Secret. This was something that I really enjoyed, and I appreciated the effort taken to write some background story linking the missions played at the event. The story was a continuation of background for AGC’s Infinity escalation league. The final mission itself determined an outcome for the story too.

I’ve never played at AGC but I’m intrigued to know if the story has influenced some of their terrain tables. As they have some really nice tables…although I’m not sure which tables were brought by AGC club members, as there is at least two tables I’ve seen else where…

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Paint Brushes for Splayedpaintbrush?

So as ever there is a new kickstarter looking for funding. This one has me intrigued though, as I’m really really tempted to back it. Its the brush set by Artis Opus, a set of miniature painting brushes that have testimonials from some seriously good painters. Of course a seriously good painter could probably paint a better miniature with one of my ‘splayed paint brushes’ than I could with any high end brush*. So does that matter? Continue reading