Legio Solaria: Green Mottled Armour

I have been inspired by some nicely painted Legio Gryphonicus titans, that have stayed true or paid homage to the original grey mottled armour appearance. I fancied having a go at producing something similar, but not for the War Griffins. I had spied some artwork for the Legio Solaria which showed them in mottled green armour. Their appearance has been brought up to date recently at WarhammerWorld too. This post is my take on painting the Imperial Hunter’s mottled green armour.

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Khador Blast From The Past


I haven’t played Warmachine in years, but I did some great painting and converting back when I played that game – in my own humble opinion of course! Now, out of the blue some one contacted me through the blog about one of my old Khador conversions:

My magnetised Khador Devestator/Demolisher clamjack.

I had posted up images of the completed conversion (Devestator Demolisher), and the finished painted jack, but never got round to writing up how it was converted. Continue reading

Magnetising My Reaver Titan

September has come and gone*, and that did mean it was the release month of the Reaver Titan for Adeptus Titanicus.

I have to hold my hand up at this point and say I’m not a fan of the Reaver Titan. The latest AT Reaver is a scaled down version of the 40k Reaver, which to be fair is probably my favourite looking version (I really really like the FW 40k Chaos Reaver, but I hated the old FW Epic 40k Lucius Reaver). I enjoyed putting the Warlord together – painting still in work – however unlike the Warlord the weapons do not have moulded recesses for magnets. So this post is my about how I magnetised my Reaver kit to allow me to play with as many weapon options as possible. Where I mention part numbers and step numbers, these are referring to those items in the Reaver’s instruction booklet.

*Where on earth did September, October and November go? I really did start writing this up on the 14th September 😦  Continue reading