Infinity Terrain: TT Combat Objective Room


I thought I would write-up a little post about some terrain i did quickly for the tournament I went to back around Halloween. It was bought on a whim really, as i currently don’t have any gaming space at home…yet. The TO for the Halloween event asked if any of us had Objective Room scenery that we could bring. So I volunteered to get this built for the event rather than build and paint my own lists ๐Ÿ˜‰ As I was pressed for time, I thought I would try to get it built and painted to an OK standard as fast as I could.

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A look back at 2016, and being a SMART arse!


Final game of Northern Open 7, November 2016 (image Ed Atkinson)

Its that time of year where we set silly goals and objectives for ourselves over the coming year. Most people chose to lose weight or get fitter. I lost 18kg last year and started running โ€“ promptly put 3kg back on over the Christmas & New Year period mind you (neither were actually New Year resolutions). But these are the resolutions of ordinary mortals. We (assuming youโ€™re reading this blog because you have an interest in wargaming) of course have much more far fetched and unobtainable objectives to set โ€“ like completely painting an army, or painting all our unpainted models, etc etc. So what am I planning to fail to achieve this year?

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