Can I get a caster painted this month? – Update 9: Done!

Painted! Gamed with, and defeated 😦

As you have seen in update 8 I have succeeded in painting Butcher1 this month. However somewhere I am sure I mentioned taking part in a slow grow WM league at my gaming club. The first part of the league is at 15pts mangled metal. So I have been playing Butcher1 with two Juggernauts and a Marauder. One of the guys at the club is playing Cygnar and his caster is Constance Blaize, I have played him twice and both times I have lost. The first time was my own stupidity, instead of killing the jack stood next to Butcher and winning by killing the battlegroup I charged Butcher1 into Constance expecting to wipe the floor with her. After whiffing all the dice rolls I was killed in the next turn. The second game against Constance, after Butcher1 was painted, I lost as she got a charge off on me and wiped the floor with Butcher. So in shame of being defeated twice (by an infantry caster in mangled metal format) I decided to take the chipped and battle worn look of the axe head and apply it across to the rest of Butcher’s armour.

Here is the result:

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I admit I have not quite got the technique right for black armour (so much so I feel I have spoiled the paint job a little), but I am pleased with how the red armour turned out.

Also figured I would do a group shot of what I have painted so far for the PP Forum’s Tale of 2014, seeing as we are half way through the year. Continue reading

Can I get a caster painted this month? – Update 8

Can I get a caster painted this month? Yes I can!

Well I have succeeded, I have manage to paint Butcher1 this month. I am really pleased with how he has turned out, but there is always room for improvement. Let me know what you think and leave a comment below. Finished pictures are at the end of my painting recipe waffling.

Axe Head Paint Chips & Scratches

In my last update I mentioned not being happy with how the axe head turned out, because I had painted the red at a different time to the rest of the armour I ended up with a brighter red on the axe than I wanted. In the end I didn’t really go back and fix the over vibrant colour, I actually added paint chips and scratches to the axe head. That seemed to work a treat and I am happy with the result.

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Can I get a caster painted this month? – Update 6 & 7

Don’t paint while you are tired!

I managed to get some more work done on Butcher1 over the last couple of nights, so here is another painting update. My last couple of painting sessions have been last thing at night for a couple of hours tops. I try to squeeze as much painting into that time as I can and also paint longer than I should when I am tired. This has led to me making what I feel are mistakes or just generally resulting in sub-par painting for what I want to achieve.

So I think my top tip to anyone is when you start to get tired stop painting, you may end up making mistakes that you’ll have to repair at a later date anyway. That said I still haven’t learnt my own lesson 😉

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Can I get a caster painted this month? – Update 5: Face Painting

July Painting Challenge Fifth Update

Yet another update for my painting of Orsus Zokatvir, the Butcher of Khardov, as mentioned in an earlier post. The last few days have not been very productive for painting, I have had family visits, a birthday, and a return to work after a period of time off.

However this evening’s painting was concentrated on Butcher’s face. The focal point of the vast majority of models is the face and as such you should take your time and paint it to the best of your abilities. This update is therefore all about how I painted the face.

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Can I get a caster painted this month? – Update 4

July Painting Challenge Forth Update

Following on with my updates of painting Orsus Zokatvir, the Butcher of Khardov, as mentioned in an earlier post. Here is the progress over the last couple of painting sessions. I say a couple of sessions but the first session was actually spent repairing some damaged/chipped paint as I knocked the model over when tidying up. I find it a really gut wrenching, depressing feeling when you are part way through painting a model and damage the paint work in some way. So much so I have been known on occasion to just give up painting that model there and then. However that is not the right attitude to have and so I spent the time repainting the chipped area to the best of my abilities. The model now looks ok, its only a really close examination of the area (coat) that shows that it was chipped right down to bare metal. Although I have noticed the paint rubbing off a little further away from the original damage, I must rest the model on my hand there when I am painting.

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Can I get a caster painted this month? – Update 2 & 3

July Painting Challenge Second and Third Updates

In a previous post I mentioned my challenge to get Butcher1 painted up during July. I have managed to paint everyday since then but I missed yesterday’s update with the previous night’s work. So I’ll kill two birds with one stone and post up two updates in one post while watching the F1 British Grand Prix.

I have been putting in the time as much as I can the last few days because in a few days I expect the amount of hobby time I have to significantly reduce. Anyway here are some WIP pictures…

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Can I get a caster painted this month? – Update 1

July Painting Challenge First Update

So in a previous post I mentioned my challenge to get Butcher1 painted up during July, along with my reasons for doing so. Well I figured I had better post a WIP picture of what I got up to painting wise yesterday and comment on my clubs first night of games for the Warmachine league they are running.

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Can I get a caster painted this month?

July Painting Challenge

Well it seems like a good idea to set myself a challenge this month. There a a few reasons for this which I’ll go into in a minute.  However the model i have chosen for this month is a Privateer Press model from their Warmachine range:



So why am I going to do this?

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