AGC Infinity Tournament: Medea’s Secret

Saturday 21st April, the sunniest day of the year, and I was at an Infinity tournament. Altrincham Gaming Club (AGC) had organised an event at the Goblin Gaming Centre, a small ITS event with 14 players. After playing at Harlequins last month I’d mentioned to Greg, from TPCB, about wanting to try and get playing some more Infinity events. It was Greg that pointed out AGC’s event to me, and so ultimately this post is all his fault 😉

The organiser of the event, Iain, had written a background story arc for the series of missions Medea’s Secret. This was something that I really enjoyed, and I appreciated the effort taken to write some background story linking the missions played at the event. The story was a continuation of background for AGC’s Infinity escalation league. The final mission itself determined an outcome for the story too.

I’ve never played at AGC but I’m intrigued to know if the story has influenced some of their terrain tables. As they have some really nice tables…although I’m not sure which tables were brought by AGC club members, as there is at least two tables I’ve seen else where…

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Painting Jeanne d’Arc and the Harlequins 6 Infinity Event

I’ve done some painting!!!

Yes, I’ve picked up a brush pretty much everyday this last week, for the first time since I guess November/December. The reason? I entered an Infinity tournament.

What did I paint? Well actually, I finished off a single model I started ages ago. I had used her at the ‘Northern Open 5’ event in Leeds back in May 2016. But she was only painted up to what I would barely call a basic table top standard for me, i.e. she had at least 3 different colours on her and was based to pass as painted.

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Painted Panoceania ORC HMG

Back in February I posted an article about converting an Operation Icestorm sculpt ORC to have a HMG, specifically using an alternative method to the simple Aquila Guard HMG arm swap. Infinity has taken a back seat to Guild Ball at the gaming club, consequently my drive to paint Infinity models has sadly diminished. That was unto I found out what the Q3 Mayacast Masterglass theme was, and suddenly the urge to paint that HMG armed ORC Heavy Infantry model returned. Thank you Mayacast!

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Infinity: Panoceania ORC Trooper with HMG conversion


I have had the majority of parts for these conversions knocking around for a while. I have just not bothered to do anything with them. However I feel I should do at least two things with those parts:

  1. Write a blog post as its been way too long since anything of real substance was posted on this blog 😉
  2. Convert them before Corvus Belli actually get round to releasing their official sculpts. Continue reading

A look back at 2016, and being a SMART arse!


Final game of Northern Open 7, November 2016 (image Ed Atkinson)

Its that time of year where we set silly goals and objectives for ourselves over the coming year. Most people chose to lose weight or get fitter. I lost 18kg last year and started running – promptly put 3kg back on over the Christmas & New Year period mind you (neither were actually New Year resolutions). But these are the resolutions of ordinary mortals. We (assuming you’re reading this blog because you have an interest in wargaming) of course have much more far fetched and unobtainable objectives to set – like completely painting an army, or painting all our unpainted models, etc etc. So what am I planning to fail to achieve this year?

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October Infinity Update

Today’s blog post is less about painting progress and more about painting anticipation. I’m excited because I pre-ordered myself a copy of “Painting Miniatures from A to Z, Masterclass Volume 2” by Ángel Giráldez today.


When I first started dabbling with Infinity at the start of 2015 I pre-ordered Volume 1. If you look at my other painted models on this blog I think you’ll see that pre-infinity I had a fairly dark painting style, especially in my choice of colours. Infinity with its bright clean look seemed rather daunting. So when I realised there was a painting guide being produced by Corvus Belli’s in house painter, I figured a look behind the scenes would be an excellent idea. Continue reading

Infinity: Pinning the wings on an angel – Seraph


This was my hobby Christmas present from my wife and son, and what a cool present it was too. It is a great model, and I was pretty eager to get it built and see what it looked like. However I didn’t get very far with that over the holiday period and have only just got it assembled this week. Mostly because of lack of hobby time but I was also wondering how I was going to secure the wings on the model as there isn’t much contact area for glue, and not a whole lot of metal to pin in to. This article is about how I pinned the wings on the Seraph.

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