Guild Ball Goal – Further Work

Like a bad film sequel we’re back with the goal post. I was never quite sure I’d finished the goal, but I hadn’t really worked out what I was going to do. I wanted it to look like a goal that had been around while but still looked after. To achieve this I added a little wear and tear to paint up and some vegetation.

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Making A Guild Ball Goal

I have been planning on building a goal post for Guild Ball for some time. With an upcoming event running at a local gaming club soon, I felt I should pull my finger out and get a goal built. The main sticking point I have had in the past in building a goal is actually deciding what it should look like. Do I theme it to a specific team? Do I theme it with my Guild Ball pitch and terrain? Should it track the score, and if so victory points or goals? And many other questions I never finalised an answer to… until now!

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