#ATClashOfTheTitans is a challenge organised by BattleBlingStore and Maximal Fire Podcast to encourage people to paint up their Adeptus Titanicus backlog, or inspire a second Legio to get painted up. Essentially a community challenge to build and paint up some titans. This is running from August through to the end of October.

I’ve got a backlog of titans, hell my backlog has a backlog. So I figured I’d try and ride the #ATClashOfTheTitans motivation train and hopefully get some of my partially built titans finished.

My August challenge is to get the Warbringer titan finished. Its been sat gathering dust on the shelf since April last year. Seriously, I had to brush the dust off before taking this photo:

The green armour is the only part completed. There is a lot of work left in the model yet. Dusting it off is all that’s happened so far, 11 days of August left.

If all goes to plan I’m hoping to have an Arcus Battleline Maniple completed by October, at least a minimum strength maniple anyways. An Arcus Maniple consists of a Warbringer and from two to four Warhounds. If there’s any more motivation left in the pot I might get some knights painted too.

What’s the community part of it? Well, Maximal Fire and BattleBling are encouraging participants to post their progress on social media channels using the hashtag: #ATClashOfTheTitans – as you may have already guessed. Maximal Fire also have discord server (link) and on Wednesday evenings a ‘hang out and hobby’ chat group runs to basically hobby with other folks from around the globe. If you’re joining in the challenge, it may be worth you buying a BattleBling Clash Pack, its got a cool little certificate, some scenery and a clash plaque, but it also puts you in the running for claiming prizes from the BattleBling prize pool. Wednesday sees BattleBling pick out their favourite post from the #ATClashOfTheTitans posts which they’ll award a prize to that person to reward them for their progress.

The clash pack is available from the BattleBlingStore on Etsy.

Legio Solaria Warlord: Sagitta Verum

Well I finished my Warlord, only 22 months after starting putting it together – geez I’m slow.

  • Warlord Sagitta Verum, the Arrow of Truth
  • Princeps Cayttei Lueze
  • During the opening months of the Horus Heresy the Warlord Titan Sagitta Verum saw service on Aedlingon 5, during the Sibarton Offensive where she sustained heavy damage to her left leg and motivators. After refit the next major action was on Clarendon 3 against traitorous forces of Legio Xestobiax under the command of Princeps Tonbo. The ensuing titan conflict wrought heavy loses on both sides. The loss of a number of titans from Lueze’s maniple has ensured if their paths cross again that vengeance shall be served against Princeps Tonbo.
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Legio Solaria Warlord: White Stripes

Working from home during the Covid lockdown is proving challenging on the hobby time. Usually I find myself working late into the night to cover the hours I’m not working when I’m looking after my lad. Fortunately this last week I’ve been off work – stay at home holidaying. So I’ve made some progress on my Solaria Warlord titan.

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Legio Solaria; Bringing the War

The UK has been in lock down for 3 weeks now, and on top of that I’ve also had a week of isolation so I’ve had 4 weeks of glorious hobby filled painting, right!?!?! Ahh well, as idyllic as it sounds spending all that time at home with family, reality is that I’ve had just as little time to myself as if none of this had happened. Yes, I can hear your snorts of laughter and groans of disbelief. I hold my hands up, I’m as staggered as you all at my apparent lack of progress.

The good news is, I have painted my garden fence panels…well until I ran out of fence paint (the wife says they need another coat).

“So what have I been doing worth writing about then?” I hear you ask…

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Almost There: Legio Solaria Reaver Titan

I’ve very slowly been making progress on my Reaver Titan. It seems an age since I started down the Solaria road, and it has – think it was last December I posted my mottled green armour test. Today I glued armour plates in place, and messed with the Solaria decal sheets to save having to freehand anything. Having done that I felt like I’d actually achieved something – enough to blog about at any rate.

Anyhow here are some pics:

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How Long Since Last Post??!!

Well it’s over 3 months since I last posted on here. Sadly life has been busy.

So what have I been up to?

  • Made a Lego birthday cake for my son’s 5th birthday – I have also been playing WH40k with him, in small amounts.
  • Built some scenery for Adeptus Titanicus.
  • A little progress made on my Warhound titans’ bases.
  • Played a small number of games of Adeptus Titanicus.
  • Building 40k models from Conquest Magazine.

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Happy New Year

In the past at New Year I’ve looked back over the year and looked at what I’ve achieved verses what I set out to do. I’m not going to bother this year, I know I never got anywhere near painting/building/playing what I hoped to over 2018.

So what are my aims for 2019?

Well, I’m going to keep this short and simple and hence achievable!

  1. Finish the Adeptus Titanicus models.
  2. Play some games.
  3. Build some terrain.

Told you, short and simple. Maybe in 2020 I can do a New Year post and not be embarrassed. So how about showing you the hobby work done over the Christmas holiday…

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Legio Solaria: Green Mottled Armour

I have been inspired by some nicely painted Legio Gryphonicus titans, that have stayed true or paid homage to the original grey mottled armour appearance. I fancied having a go at producing something similar, but not for the War Griffins. I had spied some artwork for the Legio Solaria which showed them in mottled green armour. Their appearance has been brought up to date recently at WarhammerWorld too. This post is my take on painting the Imperial Hunter’s mottled green armour.

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