Another year, another cake

If you have followed the blog for a while you’ll have seen an occasional birthday cake pop up. I use my ‘hobby skills’ to decorate my son’s birthday cake. This year he asked for a minecraft cake, which had to include Steve and a tree.

Obviouly I cheated and used a Minecraft Steve toy, but the rest is just icing. I had fun painting the TNT with food colouring.

I didn’t make a cake for my lad’s 7th birthday, so its nice to be able to this year. I still think the BB-8 cake was my best effort.

Birthday Cake Bake

As per tradition, its the time of year when I post up the cake I made for my son’s birthday. Josh likes his Lego, he had a Lego cake last year too. However, the twist for this year’s cake was to have it themed for Lego Worlds. During the Covid lockdown we’ve played it as a family loads on PS4. To be honest, way too much for one so young.

Katie sourced the police swamp helicopter, from ebay I think. Its out of print now but is one of Josh’s favourite vehicles in the game. I did the rest. Tastes good too 😉

Looking back at my other cakes, the BB-8 cake for Josh’s 4th birthday is still the best in my opinion.

How Long Since Last Post??!!

Well it’s over 3 months since I last posted on here. Sadly life has been busy.

So what have I been up to?

  • Made a Lego birthday cake for my son’s 5th birthday – I have also been playing WH40k with him, in small amounts.
  • Built some scenery for Adeptus Titanicus.
  • A little progress made on my Warhound titans’ bases.
  • Played a small number of games of Adeptus Titanicus.
  • Building 40k models from Conquest Magazine.

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BB-8 The Birthday Cake

Its that time of year again, my lad’s birthday. Another year closer to kicking my backside at tabletop games. He already sometimes “plays” X-Wing with me – he seems to be turning into a Star Wars fan, even though he has never seen the films lol. Like last year, I made and decorated a birthday cake for him.  This is this year’s handiwork:

If your partner ever questions why you waste you time on silly toy soldiers, just knock up some thing like this using your hobby skills and watch them eat their words. Or at least your cake 😉

Birthday Cake

If I ever decide not to be an aeronautical engineer, I wonder if I could use my hobby skills in whatever job I end up in? Like cake decorating maybe…

Its my son’s birthday today, the wife and I decorated his cake last night. I am pretty pleased with how it turned out. Turns out my sugar craft skills are probably better than my greenstuff skills.

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