Infinity Defiance Has Landed

Yesterday my Wave 1 shipment of the Infinity Defiance Kickstarter arrived. I think the UK is probably the last country to get their hands on Defiance*. So this isn’t going to be a proper unboxing post, there are probably a whole host of those across the internet by now. This is just going to be my first impressions as I have a gander inside those boxes.

Rule of Cats #1 – no box, package, or container can be opened in a household with a cat without said cat observing the operation.

And its a nice big box too! Not too big to arouse suspicion, or too much interest from wife and son, but enough to get the official eyeing rolling of ‘not more models’. A good reason to split shipment into two waves right there 😉

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Armada – An Unboxing

Today was an exciting day as a number of packages arrived at the house today. One of them was from Goblin Gaming and contained my pre-order of Armada by Mantic Games.

I can’t actually remember how I stumbled upon the game, but its a naval game, and I like fantasy naval games*, I’m a boaty kind of person – hence I pre-ordered it back in September/October. That and my son liked the look of the ships – hopefully a winner if Josh likes the look of something.

Working form home, this box (and another that arrived on the same day) has been tempting me to sack work off and break it open all afternoon. However, its only tonight that I’ve managed to get a good look at what’s in the box.

Keep your weather eye open, and lets dive in…