October Wash Out

Sadly this month has been a bit of a wash out hobby wise so far. I just haven’t had time to sit down and crack on with my painting.

I had a few goals I wanted to achieve this month, and currently not one is looking likely. But I’ll give a little run down of what has happened this month. Continue reading

October’s Plan

Last month was a bit hectic in the old hobby painting department, after I set myself a target of taking a fully painted army to a tournament at the end of September. So this month I shall be taking it easy, I still have some stuff I want to get done though.

I didn’t quite finish my second caster last month, Sorscha1, there is still a little work to do on her, same goes for the jack I was using too. So I want to complete those models.

I also wanted to have a model completed for Lost Hemisphere’s September Paint the Target. Unfortunately I didn’t even get round to starting my Widowmaker Marksman conversion. So this month I want to paint something for LH’s October Paint the Target, for that I plan to paint up Yuri the Axe. Continue reading

September Challenge Conclusion

I set out at the beginning of September to paint enough Khador models to allow me to field two 35pt lists for an event I wanted to attend on September 28th, my last post was the report on that event.

I worked out I need to paint 10 models in about 20 days to field the lists I wanted to take. Continue reading

September’s Painting Challenge: 8 days to go

So I have tried to fit in as much painting as I can over the last few days, and still have yet to finish a model!

Here is the current state of the 4 Iron Fang models.
Kovnik, had an accident and knocked off the axe. Had to fix some paint chips in the process. Still got the steals to do, and some work on the axe.


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September’s Painting Challenge: 13 days to go

The countdown is running there are 13 painting days left before my tournament at The Outpost, sadly I have a wedding to go to and an air show next weekend so there are actually less days available for painting. But I have managed to get some painting done over the weekend. I made a start on the following models:

  • Juggernaut
  • Great Bears
  • Iron Fang Kovnik

The warjack has just had one or two base coats painted on so not much to show. The other models have progressed a bit more. The gold metallics are pretty much done. The fur trim and bear skins have been dry brushed, and just need a little touching up here and there. The red armour is mostly complete just needing a highlight or two to complete it. Unfortunately it has taken longer to get to this point than I hoped so I am not optimistic about getting all 10 models painted 😦

Anyway here is a quick picture of the work in progress Iron Fangs.


September’s Painting Challenge

I have entered a tournament at the end of the month at The Outpost, it is my first tournament in probably 2 years, and I’d like to go with fully painted lists. I am going to be using my Khador. So what you might think, well here is the challenge; it is a 2 list 35 point tournament and all my painted Khador are on this site.

This is what is painted:

  • Butcher1
  • Black Ivan
  • Devastator
  • Kossite Woodsmen
  • Black Dragon Ironfang Pikeman

Aside from the caster one of those is a character and so can only be in one list, so to get to two 35 point painted lists i need to paint about 20 points worth of models in about 2 weeks.

So ideally I need to paint these for my first list, Butcher1:

  • Juggernaut
  • Great Bears
  • Kayazy Eliminators

And then in addition to the above I need to paint these for the second list.

  • Sorscha1
  • Sylas Wyshnalyrr
  • Widowmaker Marksman
  • Ironfang Kovnik

Of course depending how well I get on, or not, I might rearrange what I have in each list to enable me to go fully painted if my painting falls behind schedule.

Here is the starting point as of this morning, the jack, the bears, and the kovnik just barely started.


Panic Stations!!!

Feels like a while since my last post, geez its over 2 weeks!

Unfortunately I have not been up to much hobby wise. Played a couple of games of WM in the league running at the gaming club I go to. Although I have been using Old Witch rather than Butcher1 for a change. I have enjoyed the change of play style between the two loads.

The rest of my time has been spent playing with footage from my GoPro, I have been out kayaking (twice in fact) for the first time since my son was born and although I have had the GoPro since before he was born this is the first time using it in anger so to speak. I had some corrupt file issues which I seem to have spent a lot of time trying to rectify to no avail. However my second trip out with it gave better results, although not the greatest videos you’ll ever see lol.

Anyway this is my Wargaming Hobby Blog not my paddling blog. So what’s on my painting table at the moment? Continue reading

Can I get a caster painted this month? – Update 9: Done!

Painted! Gamed with, and defeated 😦

As you have seen in update 8 I have succeeded in painting Butcher1 this month. However somewhere I am sure I mentioned taking part in a slow grow WM league at my gaming club. The first part of the league is at 15pts mangled metal. So I have been playing Butcher1 with two Juggernauts and a Marauder. One of the guys at the club is playing Cygnar and his caster is Constance Blaize, I have played him twice and both times I have lost. The first time was my own stupidity, instead of killing the jack stood next to Butcher and winning by killing the battlegroup I charged Butcher1 into Constance expecting to wipe the floor with her. After whiffing all the dice rolls I was killed in the next turn. The second game against Constance, after Butcher1 was painted, I lost as she got a charge off on me and wiped the floor with Butcher. So in shame of being defeated twice (by an infantry caster in mangled metal format) I decided to take the chipped and battle worn look of the axe head and apply it across to the rest of Butcher’s armour.

Here is the result:

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I admit I have not quite got the technique right for black armour (so much so I feel I have spoiled the paint job a little), but I am pleased with how the red armour turned out.

Also figured I would do a group shot of what I have painted so far for the PP Forum’s Tale of 2014, seeing as we are half way through the year. Continue reading

Can I get a caster painted this month? – Update 8

Can I get a caster painted this month? Yes I can!

Well I have succeeded, I have manage to paint Butcher1 this month. I am really pleased with how he has turned out, but there is always room for improvement. Let me know what you think and leave a comment below. Finished pictures are at the end of my painting recipe waffling.

Axe Head Paint Chips & Scratches

In my last update I mentioned not being happy with how the axe head turned out, because I had painted the red at a different time to the rest of the armour I ended up with a brighter red on the axe than I wanted. In the end I didn’t really go back and fix the over vibrant colour, I actually added paint chips and scratches to the axe head. That seemed to work a treat and I am happy with the result.

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Can I get a caster painted this month? – Update 6 & 7

Don’t paint while you are tired!

I managed to get some more work done on Butcher1 over the last couple of nights, so here is another painting update. My last couple of painting sessions have been last thing at night for a couple of hours tops. I try to squeeze as much painting into that time as I can and also paint longer than I should when I am tired. This has led to me making what I feel are mistakes or just generally resulting in sub-par painting for what I want to achieve.

So I think my top tip to anyone is when you start to get tired stop painting, you may end up making mistakes that you’ll have to repair at a later date anyway. That said I still haven’t learnt my own lesson 😉

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