Khador Blast From The Past


I haven’t played Warmachine in years, but I did some great painting and converting back when I played that game – in my own humble opinion of course! Now, out of the blue some one contacted me through the blog about one of my old Khador conversions:

My magnetised Khador Devestator/Demolisher clamjack.

I had posted up images of the completed conversion (Devestator Demolisher), and the finished painted jack, but never got round to writing up how it was converted. Continue reading

September Challenge Conclusion

I set out at the beginning of September to paint enough Khador models to allow me to field two 35pt lists for an event I wanted to attend on September 28th, my last post was the report on that event.

I worked out I need to paint 10 models in about 20 days to field the lists I wanted to take. Continue reading

Lets go bowling…

In my last post I had tried a new technique for weathering using a liquid mask. It didnt turn out quite as good as I had hoped, although at first I couldn’t put my finger on why. After some feedback I now feel I needed to control the placement of the mask a lot better.

The intention was to weather the front of the jack up to represent that battering that the jack would take with Khador’s enemies trying to destroy it as it marches across the battlefield. So I tried to concentrate the weathering on the closed up frontal armour however the reason I wasnt happy with the initial result was because the weathering was more patch work than i anticipated. That is to say the weathering isnt quite placed correctly to represent the jack taking damage from the front, this was pointed out to me via Twitter (thanks Alex). I did intend to adjust the weathering with a paintbrush, but in the end I just went with what was done and added to it with bright metal paint to represent newly chipped/scratched areas.

I how expect the jack will spend most of its gaming life, all closed up.



But at the oppotune moment…

Continue reading

Panic Stations!!!

Feels like a while since my last post, geez its over 2 weeks!

Unfortunately I have not been up to much hobby wise. Played a couple of games of WM in the league running at the gaming club I go to. Although I have been using Old Witch rather than Butcher1 for a change. I have enjoyed the change of play style between the two loads.

The rest of my time has been spent playing with footage from my GoPro, I have been out kayaking (twice in fact) for the first time since my son was born and although I have had the GoPro since before he was born this is the first time using it in anger so to speak. I had some corrupt file issues which I seem to have spent a lot of time trying to rectify to no avail. However my second trip out with it gave better results, although not the greatest videos you’ll ever see lol.

Anyway this is my Wargaming Hobby Blog not my paddling blog. So what’s on my painting table at the moment? Continue reading