Halloween Jack

I was supposed to be out playing a game of Guild Ball tonight, unfortunately my opponent couldn’t make it. So instead, I managed to get an evening of painting with no distractions. 

My proxy Infinity HVT mentioned in my last post was the model of choice, Halloween Jack.

Here he is, ink wash still drying on his jacket. 

The base needs tidying up, but other than maybe another highlight of the pumpkin head, to define the facial features more, I think he’s done.

October Infinity Update

Today’s blog post is less about painting progress and more about painting anticipation. I’m excited because I pre-ordered myself a copy of “Painting Miniatures from A to Z, Masterclass Volume 2” by Ángel Giráldez today.


When I first started dabbling with Infinity at the start of 2015 I pre-ordered Volume 1. If you look at my other painted models on this blog I think you’ll see that pre-infinity I had a fairly dark painting style, especially in my choice of colours. Infinity with its bright clean look seemed rather daunting. So when I realised there was a painting guide being produced by Corvus Belli’s in house painter, I figured a look behind the scenes would be an excellent idea. Continue reading