Guild Ball Morticians – Pulling Strings

Exactly a year ago I posted up some Morticians that I’d painted up for Ben, our local pundit, link to previous post. Fortunately that article gave a good run down of how they were painted, as a couple of weeks ago I got the job of painting the rest of the Morticians’ models. Its the models that form the Stings Of The Spirit Weaver box, except for Bonesaw who was painted the first time round. Read on for a photo dump of the completed models.

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Guild Ball Goal – Painting the post

If you’ve visited my blog before you may have already seen the post about the initial concept and build for my Guild Ball goal marker, and also the detailing and finishing touches post. This post not a step by step guide to how I painted my goal, more of a general description. Plus of course a load of pictures of the finished goal marker.

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Guild Ball Goal – Further Work

Like a bad film sequel we’re back with the goal post. I was never quite sure I’d finished the goal, but I hadn’t really worked out what I was going to do. I wanted it to look like a goal that had been around while but still looked after. To achieve this I added a little wear and tear to paint up and some vegetation.

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Making A Guild Ball Goal

I have been planning on building a goal post for Guild Ball for some time. With an upcoming event running at a local gaming club soon, I felt I should pull my finger out and get a goal built. The main sticking point I have had in the past in building a goal is actually deciding what it should look like. Do I theme it to a specific team? Do I theme it with my Guild Ball pitch and terrain? Should it track the score, and if so victory points or goals? And many other questions I never finalised an answer to… until now!

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Planting the seed: assembling Farmer’s Guild Tater


I bought Tater when the Steamforged Guild Ball Store’s Locker Room opened during GenCon. It arrived on Friday (along with a mug or two), so I thought I would get him assembled, as I had some Morticians on the table being put together for a commission (eek – some one is employing my hobby services?! The fool!).

So here is my simple step by step to putting the model together. There is nothing unique here about assembling Tater, so the method used is pretty generic to most models. Continue reading

Guild Ball Prototype Range Rulers


I decided I wanted to get some acrylic range rulers made for the game Guild Ball. My goal (haha i’m sooo witty 😉  ) was to make a set of useful measure guides fitting the most options into a single ruler as possible. So I set about designing a stick that could measure/guide the placement of models in a number of different situations. Sure they are a number of different manufacturers out there making measuring sticks (google image search). They all share a common design in that they a stick of a given lenght – no surprises there. I have a set of these for that. Other designs are such that you can place the template in contact with the ball or model’s base and then place the base at the opposite end of the template to achieve a given distance. Like the measuring sticks for X-Wing, measuring front of the base to back of the base. The issue with that is that you need a single ruler for each increment of distance you want.

So what have I done differently?

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