Shasvastii Special Armoured Corps Sphinx

A local Infinity gaming group has started running online painting competitions to keep the Infinity hobby alive during the eleventy-third* UK lockdown. Instigated by the local warcor, Lawrence, via the FB group as a good attempt to keep up peoples’ motivation, and morale too. They are a good friendly way to get some minis painted. There’s about two months to get a model painted up for the comp. I used the Sphinx as my entry for the second painting competition – I didn’t complete an entry for the first competition.

Shasvastii infiltration imminent… MORE INFO…

Infinity Defiance Valkyrie

I recently finished up painting an Infinity model for the Mayacast Masterglass painting competition which was themed around the female models available from Corvus Belle. Here’s my entry…

Valkyrie, Elite Bodyguard

“There she is – hear her roar: Victory or Valhalla!”

Check out the other entries on FB here, there are some seriously good paint jobs there.

This particular model was a 2019 GenCon exclusive model, able to be used in the three Corvus Belle games, Infinity, Aristeia!, and the upcoming Infinity Defiance sci-fi dungeon crawler. This is actually my first Infinity Defiance model to be painted – hopefully I’ll have more Defiance to paint soon (technically also my first and only Aristeia! model too). My recent Nox Trooper was a test for the Defiance villians, the Shasvastii.

The model comes with the card for Defiance (and Aristeia!) and is usable as a none player character, making an appearance in the Demo Mission available to download from the Infinity website’s downloads page in the Defiance section.

If you look around you can still find her for sale, Corvus Belle did the cool thing made her available on line for a limited time around GenCon and available for retailers through their distribution channels. At the time of writing this, there are 6 in stock at Goblin Gaming if you wanted her.

More Images and some words….

Vallejo Shasvastii Nox Troops Paint Set

It has been a while since I last picked up an Infinity model to paint, definitely even longer since I played the game. However, an urge took hold of me and I ordered the Vallejo Shasvastii Paint Set. It helps that I’m a sucker for an exclusive miniature, but it was mostly because I wanted to try the paint scheme. That’s because I have backed the Defiance KS and I know fine well there is going to be some Shasvastii to paint. This post is about how I got on using the paint set and following the painting guide to paint the included Nox Trooper.

Shasvastii infiltration imminent… MORE INFO…

Tunguska Jurisdictional Command – Unboxing

When my friend first picked up Infinity, it was effectively a coin flip between Panoceania and Nomads as to which force I started with. Blue is my favourite colour, I liked both the Pano and Nomad background story, I really did like the Tunguska background. Anyway blue won out, and I painted up Pano as you’ve seen throughout this blog. However, what you haven’t seen is a secret little stash of Nomads – the only ones of which got as far as undercoating were the Interventors; Tunguska in the making!

I bought the Tunguska starter box from Goblin Gaming and I picked it up from the sorting office this morning. So I thought I would share one of my favourite bits of the hobby with you – getting a first look at the models straight out of the box.

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AGC Infinity Tournament: Medea’s Secret

Saturday 21st April, the sunniest day of the year, and I was at an Infinity tournament. Altrincham Gaming Club (AGC) had organised an event at the Goblin Gaming Centre, a small ITS event with 14 players. After playing at Harlequins last month I’d mentioned to Greg, from TPCB, about wanting to try and get playing some more Infinity events. It was Greg that pointed out AGC’s event to me, and so ultimately this post is all his fault 😉

The organiser of the event, Iain, had written a background story arc for the series of missions Medea’s Secret. This was something that I really enjoyed, and I appreciated the effort taken to write some background story linking the missions played at the event. The story was a continuation of background for AGC’s Infinity escalation league. The final mission itself determined an outcome for the story too.

I’ve never played at AGC but I’m intrigued to know if the story has influenced some of their terrain tables. As they have some really nice tables…although I’m not sure which tables were brought by AGC club members, as there is at least two tables I’ve seen else where…

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Painting Jeanne d’Arc and the Harlequins 6 Infinity Event

I’ve done some painting!!!

Yes, I’ve picked up a brush pretty much everyday this last week, for the first time since I guess November/December. The reason? I entered an Infinity tournament.

What did I paint? Well actually, I finished off a single model I started ages ago. I had used her at the ‘Northern Open 5’ event in Leeds back in May 2016. But she was only painted up to what I would barely call a basic table top standard for me, i.e. she had at least 3 different colours on her and was based to pass as painted.

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Painted Panoceania ORC HMG

Back in February I posted an article about converting an Operation Icestorm sculpt ORC to have a HMG, specifically using an alternative method to the simple Aquila Guard HMG arm swap. Infinity has taken a back seat to Guild Ball at the gaming club, consequently my drive to paint Infinity models has sadly diminished. That was unto I found out what the Q3 Mayacast Masterglass theme was, and suddenly the urge to paint that HMG armed ORC Heavy Infantry model returned. Thank you Mayacast!

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